Welcome to our POF Language Arts Consulting website

Accelerate your Global Potential with Powerful

Powerful Language Arts Consulting provides Language Training, Cross-Cultural Training including Diversity and Inclusion, Destination Services, Translation and Interpretation, and Workforce Development Solutions for businesses of all types. We have provided exceptional service to our customers for over several years, we are a Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), and our unique business model brings together leading global expertise, resources, and technology, enabling our customers to improve turnaround time, save money, and increase revenue through a single resource for multiple global solutions.

What do we offer

Online Interpreter

      Users can connect to online translation services, with mobile video capabilities, through the lens, interpreters can further understand the user's situation, to provide more appropriate translation services. This is where your text starts. 

Translation Services

From internal needs to customer meetings, to localizing legal documents required for Expatriates, our integrated approach to translation, interpretation, and voice-over services takes into account the localization and cultural nuances required to deliver a consistent message.

Language Training

 Our corporate language training programs are offered in a variety of flexible formats to empower your employees with the proficient and fluency needed to be successful in over 4 languages, anytime and anywhere in the world.

Photographs Of Gallery

Quick contact

Write to us

Powerful International Language Arts

Houli District, Taichung, Taiwan(R.O.C.) 

Give us a call




© 2017 Company. Houli District, Taichung, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
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